raspberrypi / picamera2

New libcamera based python library

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[OTHER] DNG Format Issue

Ayanhb opened this issue · comments

So I am having trouble with .DNG format. When I do it in the terminal I get some decent images (monochromed but 253 x 190 pixels). However, when I go into python (Visual Studio Code or Thonny), the .DNG image is just these white and grey boxes (4056 x 3040 Pixels)... does anyone know what I am doing wrong here?? The plan is for me to take both JPG and DNG, and then with the DNG convert it to a Tiff format. Then convert the Tiff to grayscale. And then from there I am able to calculate for the Albedo. PLEASE HELP


Hi, I think I've answered this on the forum now.