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full kms video drive for rpi 4 not work in bullseyes how in buster

Ninoh-FOX opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

With the same firmware installed on both systems (raspbian os 32bits lite) using the command:
sudo BRANCH=stable WANT_64BIT=0 rpi-update.

The dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d-pi4 option on both.

And with kodi compiled on the bullseyes system, and downloaded from the apt to have version 18 on both systems.

So the only thing that changes is the system, I'm trying to transfer everything I have from kodi 18 to bullseyes to take advantage of the new packages and more compatibility with widevinecmd, since the latest version doesn't work well for me on bustes and yes on bullseye , but that is another subject.

After trying a thousand configurations of /boot/cmdline and /boot/config.txt I can't replicate the configuration I have in buster with the same kernel, in which Dispmanx (for hyperion) and passthrough (for homecinema ac3/dts) are running. at the same time without problems. But instead, in bullseyes the passthrough does not work but the Dispmanx works with the fkms option, and if I use the kms option, the passthrough works but the Dispmanx does not work.

I have seen that the kms dtbo has the kms fw options disabled, I don't know if it could be enabled, I don't know how to compile an independent dts to test, but I don't think it's the problem, what I don't understand is how the kernel itself gave me it works well on buster and on the other hand it fails me on bullseyes.

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

burn in a sdcard raspbian os 32bit buster and bullseyes.

in the sdcard with buster:

  • put in /boot/config.txt dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d-pi4
  • install hyperion and kodi way apt
  • config sound with ac3 and dts opcions.

in the sdcard with bullseyes.

  • put in /boot/config.txt dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d-pi4
  • install all python 2.7 include pip
  • build kodi leia from xbmc repository
  • build hyperion service ambilight
  • try config sound with ac3 and dts is your has lucky

Device (s)

Raspberry Pi 4 Mod. B


OS: raspbian OS 32bit lite buster and bullseye

firmware: version c72ad6b26ff40c91ef776b847436094ee63fabee (clean) (release) (start)

kernel: Linux raspberrypi 5.15.76-v7l+


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