Raruto / cpmp-lib-skeleton

Skeleton to use CpMultiplane and Cockpit CMS as libraries with a clean root directory

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CPMP lib skeleton

If you want to keep your docs root clean while using CpMultiplane with Cockpit, you can use this skeleton to rearrange the file structure and to include them as a library. You can use cockpit like before - with some advantages:

  • Add your own favicon to the root folder.
  • Add your own files to the root without messing up the cockpit installation.
  • You can use your root as an own git repository.

If you look for a Cockpit skeleton without CpMultiplane, have a look at the cockpit-lib-skeleton, that I wrote a while ago.

Intended use

This is a skeleton to start your own project. Don't clone this repository. Just download it, modify it and than run git init to create a version controlled project.

Relevant files

Keep index.php, bootstrap.php, defines.php and .htaccess.dist. Also cpdata/storage/data must exist before you can run Cockpit or cli commands. You can remove the other files, if you don't need them for your workflow.

File structure

After doing all steps described under Installation, your file structure should look like this:

├── cpdata
│   ├── addons
│   |   ├── CpMultiplaneGUI
│   |   ├── FormValidation
│   |   └── UniqueSlugs
│   ├── config
│   └── storage
│       ├── cache
│       ├── data
│       ├── thumbs
│       ├── tmp
│       └── uploads
├── lib
│   ├── cockpit
│   ├── CpMultiplane
│   └── vendor --> if installed via composer
├── themes
│   └── my-child-theme
│   .htaccess
│   bootstrap.php
│   cp
│   defines.php
│   index.php
│   mp
│   ...



  • Use this repository as a base or copy index.php, bootstrap.php, defines.php, .htaccess.dist and cpdata/ to your project folder.
  • Copy .htaccess.dist to .htaccess
  • Download CpMultiplane and extract it to lib/CpMultiplane.
  • Download Cockpit and extract it to lib/cockpit.
  • Copy lib/cockpit/cp to cp and to mp so the cli commands from Cockpit and from CpMultiplane work from your root directory.
  • Use the cli to create an admin user ./mp account/create --user admin --password admin --email admin@example.com
  • Install addons CpMultiplaneGUI, UniqueSlugs, FormValidation.

via git

I expect, that you use this repo as a base or that you copy index.php, bootstrap.php, defines.php, .htaccess.dist and cpdata/ to your project folder.

cd ~/html
git clone https://github.com/agentejo/cockpit.git lib/cockpit
git clone https://github.com/raffaelj/CpMultiplane.git lib/CpMultiplane
git clone https://github.com/raffaelj/cockpit_CpMultiplaneGUI.git cpdata/addons/CpMultiplaneGUI
git clone https://github.com/raffaelj/cockpit_FormValidation.git cpdata/addons/FormValidation
git clone https://github.com/raffaelj/cockpit_UniqueSlugs.git cpdata/addons/UniqueSlugs
cp .htaccess.dist .htaccess
cp lib/cockpit/cp ./cp
cp ./cp ./mp
./mp account/create --user admin --password admin --email admin@example.com

via composer and docker

from a bare directory

mkdir my-project
cd my-project
# composer create-project --ignore-platform-reqs raffaelj/cpmp-lib-skeleton .
composer create-project raffaelj/cpmp-lib-skeleton .

# create default admin user
./mp account/create --user admin --password admin --email admin@example.com

from this repository

This is for local development. I expect, that composer and docker are installed.

composer install --no-dev --ignore-platform-reqs

Create a .env file and change the user/group id to your needs.

docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it cpmp bash

# create default admin user
./mp account/create --user admin --password admin --email admin@example.com

# or run quickstart routine with dummy data
./mp multiplane/quickstart --template basic
./mp multiplane/create-dummy-data


install dependencies:

composer install or composer install --no-dev --ignore-platform-reqs

update dependencies:

composer update or composer update --no-dev --ignore-platform-reqs


Some files and snippets are copied from the core Cockpit CMS, author: Artur Heinze, www.agentejo.com, MIT License

Everything else: Raffael Jesche, www.rlj.me, MIT License


Skeleton to use CpMultiplane and Cockpit CMS as libraries with a clean root directory

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%