raphaelbs / esp32-cam-ai-thinker

Informations and examples about A.I. Thinker ESP32-CAM using ESP-IDF

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OV7725 camera support

ashishbindal93 opened this issue · comments

#feature request

Please share code for OV7725 with ai-thinker esp32 board


Hello @ashishbindal93
The code in this repository was heavily based in https://github.com/espressif/esp32-camera.
You can put together this examples with OV7725 sensor support available there.

Also, I would be grateful with you contribute to this repo by uploading your code once you got it working.

Didn't get that working. I have tried all the codes available but no code works for this setup.

I can provide you pinning for the ov7725 camera module and esp cam board.

Any update over OV7725?
Anyone got that working?