raoul2000 / yii2-workflow

A simple workflow engine for Yii2

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Cannot use 'Object' as class name as it is reserved

wumahoo opened this issue · comments

Hi,Cannot use 'Object' as class name as it is reserved,7.1 its end of life and is no longer supported.


Hi @wumahoo,
latest version (1.2.0) should be compliant with PHP 7.1 (see CHANGES).

Did you experience an issue with this version ?

Hi @raoul2000
I upgraded my environment to PHP 7.2, but when I run it, I found that PHP 7.2 would not be able to use Object as its class name

Will this be updated to work on PHP7.2?


if you use yii 2.0.13 + yii2-workflow 1.2.0 + PHP 7.2 then it is supposed to work. The travis-ci test are also done on PHP 7.2 and they succeed.

You wrote that you updated your environment to PHP 7.2 but did you also update the Yii2 version ? ... if no, it is important to do so because only since version 2.0.13 yii2 is compatible with PHP 7.1 regarding the use of the reserved word object( see YII2 CHANGES - change #7936)

hope this helps

cornernote/yii2-workflow-manager not supposed