randombit / fecpp

Forward error correction with SIMD optimizations

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ld: library not found for -lboost_python on MacOS

cnshicongming opened this issue · comments

install the boost with brew install boost
install the boost-python with brew install boost-python
but when I make -f Makefile incurring the problem: ld: library not found for -lboost_python

how to solve the above problem, anyone can give me some suggestion?

Sorry I do not use Mac so I don't have anything to suggest. Maybe try asking on some support channel for Homebrew?

I got it compiling on Mac. Here's the diff:


Note this diff doesn't work on top of fecpp's master. I had to branch off at eb00e8 due to this issue: #5

In terms of the boost_python problem, the solution is to use -lboost_python27 (for me). I was hinted at this idea from this post: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51906096/ld-library-not-found-for-lboost-python-on-macos

I found that that post was using the correct python paths, but you can check with python2.7-config --includes --libs

I have added a pull request to add support for cmake. it should make the integration all less painful.

Bad news: This library is no longer maintained.

Good news: The same functionality (zfec-compatible forward error correction with SIMD optimizations) is available in Botan with randombit/botan#2866