Ramprasad-R / magento-aws-migration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Magento Cluster on AWS

What this project is about

  • Terraform cloudformation template to create a AWS infrastructure for the architecture shown below.
  • Create a VPC with private and public subnets on all availability zones.
  • Create a NAT, IGW, route table for all the subnets
  • Create S3 buckets for magento static and media files.
  • Create a CDN for s3 buckets and create a route53 alias A record.
  • Create a ALB, Listener target group and route52 alias A record.
  • Create a Redis Elasticache accessible inside the VPC.
  • Create an Elastic search accessible inside the VPC.
  • Create a IAM policy for EC2 to access the media and static s3 bucket
  • Create a mysql RDS instance in private subnets.
  • Create a jump server in the public subnet to access resources in private subnet.
  • Create required security groups for all the resources.
  • Pass on created infra details to downstream process
  • Packer will build an AMI with all the magento production ready code and update the created infra details. New AMI details will be passed on to deploy-app
  • Deploy app will create a launch config and autoscaling group.
  • Created the ASG policy and attached the autoscaling group to the target group created earlier.
  • Average monthly budget depends on the size of instance we select. For t3a.medium instance average monthly cost comes around €250.



Sample Budget Estimate.


Pre Deployment Activity

Install terraform and packer

This terraform template assumes you already have hosted zone added in route53 and have the required ssl certificate for domain and cdn(in us-east-1 region)

In pre-build-custom-ami directory

cd pre-build-custom-ami

create env.json file

  "aws_access_key": "",
  "aws_secret_key": "",
  "aws_region": ""

And run

chmod +x build.sh

In initial-aws-setup

cd ../initial-aws-setup
ssh-keygen -f magentokey

Create the terraform.tfvars file

AWS_ACCESS_KEY        = " "
AWS_SECRET_KEY        = " "
AWS_REGION            = " "
S3_MEDIA_BUCKET       = " "
S3_STATIC_BUCKET      = " "
CDN_ACM_CERT_ARN      = " "
DOMAIN_ZONE_ID        = " "
RDS_PASSWORD          = " "
DEVELOPER_ADDR        = " "
RDS_USERNAME          = " "
ALB_LOG_BUCKET        = " "
AWS_ACCOUNT_ID        = " "
WEB_APP_DOMAIN        = " "
ARTIFACT_USER         = " "
DOMAIN_CERT_ARN       = " "

In build-app-ami directory

cd ../build-app-ami

create env.json file

  "aws_access_key": "",
  "aws_secret_key": "",
  "aws_region": ""

create app.json file

  "mysql_user": "",
  "mysql_password": "",
  "mysql_db": "",
  "USER_NAME": "",
  "PASSWORD": ""

In deploy-app directory

cd ../deploy-app

create terraform.tfvars

AWS_REGION     = " "
MAX_SIZE = " "
MIN_SIZE = " "

Run magento_setup.sh

cd ..
chmod +x magento_setup.sh



Language:HCL 74.0%Language:Shell 17.7%Language:HTML 8.3%