ramosbugs / openidconnect-rs

OpenID Connect Library for Rust

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Is there a way to access JWT token returned from Google

GraphicalDot opened this issue · comments

We are trying to run some ZK proofs from the JWT token returned from google after successful completion.

pub async fn oauth_return(
    Query(mut params): Query<HashMap<String, String>>,
    State(db_pool): State<SqlitePool>,
    Host(hostname): Host,
) -> Result<impl IntoResponse, AppError>  {
    let state = CsrfToken::new(params.remove("state").ok_or("OAuth: without state")?);
    let code = AuthorizationCode::new(params.remove("code").ok_or("OAuth: without code")?);

    println!("State: {}", state.secret());
    let query: (String, String, String) = sqlx::query_as(
        r#"DELETE FROM oauth2_state_storage WHERE csrf_state = ? RETURNING pkce_code_verifier,return_url,nonce"#,

    let pkce_code = query.0;
    let return_url = query.1;
    let nonce = Nonce::new(query.2) ;
    let pkce_code_verifier = PkceCodeVerifier::new(pkce_code);

    // Exchange the code with a token.
    let client = get_client_open_id_connect(hostname)?;

    // Now you can exchange it for an access token and ID token.
    let token_response =
        // Set the PKCE code verifier.
        .unwrap_or_else(|err| {
            handle_error(&err, "Failed to contact token endpoint");

        "Google returned access token:\n{}\n",
    Is there a way we can access the JWT token ?

The Google example included in this crate shows how to access the ID token:

let id_token_verifier: CoreIdTokenVerifier = client.id_token_verifier();
let id_token_claims: &CoreIdTokenClaims = token_response
.expect("Server did not return an ID token")
.claims(&id_token_verifier, &nonce)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
handle_error(&err, "Failed to verify ID token");
println!("Google returned ID token: {:?}", id_token_claims);

If you need the raw JWT, just call .to_string() on it.