ramonsaraiva / timy

Minimalist measurement of python code time

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dmtucker opened this issue · comments

You should move code out of __init__.py. That should usually be left empty.
Also, are you aware of the timeit module?

$ python -m timeit -s 'foo = 5' -- 'foo + 1'
10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.044 usec per loop

Yes, aware of timeit module, as described on readme.
Thanks for your feedback.

@dmtucker The timeit example you showed has nothing to do with the intent of this module. Are you implying that timy and timeit serve the same purpose? Because as far as I can tell timeit does not have any of the functionality that timy introduces (i.e. decorators and context mangers, etc.). What is the purpose of that feedback?

@ramonsaraiva Along the same lines as my above comment, I am not sure that stating "you can also use the timeit module" in your README is accurate. I don't see much overlap of functionality of the two modules, except for the superficial "they both time things"; timeit focuses on timing arbitrary strings by interpreting as python code, whereas timy gives a convenient way to time functions and code blocks.

@SethMMorton I'm really really happy with your comments cause you understood exactly what i wanted to bring with this module. The reason i mentioned timeit is cause i knew people would come saying that Python already has a built-in module that does time tracking. Although, timy is a little bit different since you can have more flexibility when measuring time. I created this module cause i felt in need of something like this, and i'm happy some people actually liked it and are supporting it.

I understand @dmtucker's point tho, he probably just wanted to make sure i know about timeit and what it does.

Thank you, @SethMMorton.

@ramonsaraiva Then might I recommend that rather than just saying "you can also use the timeit module", you instead highlight how the intent of timy is different than timeit? Hopefully that will prevent people from blindly asking if you have heard of timeit instead of taking the time to understand timy.

Will change the README tomorrow with your suggestion, thank you again.

@ramonsaraiva Ah, sorry; I didn't catch the reference in the README. This seems like a cool idea.

@SethMMorton Doesn't hurt to ask... People of all levels of experience drop in to #python on Freenode (see #3).