raml-org / raml-js-parser-2


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Errors on require("raml-1-parser");

kingbe01 opened this issue · comments

I have searched high and low for anyone else experiencing this issue and cannot find a solution. In Angular 4 with Webpack 2 anytime I add var raml = require("raml-1-parser"); I instantly get the following errors.

  1. /ts-structure-parser/dist/helperMethodExtractor.js
    Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs

  2. /~/ts-structure-parser/dist/fsUtils.js
    Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs'

Am I missing something or is this a known issue.

Note that raml-js-parser-2 has been deprecated, the new official parser is webapi-parser. Feel free to attempt to reproduce this issue with webapi-parser and report any issue you may have on that repository.