RameshwarKale / Design-Patterns-For-Beginners

Design Patterns for Beginners

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Design Patterns For Beginners


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  • A little bit of experience with Java would help but not Mandatory.
  • Ability to understand simple bits of Object Oriented Code would help but not Mandatory.

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  • Let's have some fun with Design Patterns.
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  • I had fun creating this course and I'm sure you had some fun too.
  • Good Luck and Bye from the team here at in28Minutes
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Example Java Files


package com.in28minutes.patterns;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * translates one interface for a class into a compatible interface.[1] An adapter allows classes to work together that normally could not because of incompatible interfaces
public class AdapterPattern {
	static class CountriesInterface {
		public List<String> getList() {
			List<String> countries = Arrays.asList("IND",
					"PAK", "SL");
			return countries;

	static class CountriesAdapter {
		private static Map<String, String> countryCodeNameMapping = new HashMap<String, String>();
		static {
			countryCodeNameMapping.put("IND", "India");
			countryCodeNameMapping.put("PAK", "Pakistan");
			countryCodeNameMapping.put("SL", "Sri Lanka");
			//...A lot of others as well

		public List<String> getTranslatedList() {
			List<String> countryCodes = new CountriesInterface()
			List<String> countryNames = new ArrayList<String>();
			for (String country : countryCodes) {
			return countryNames;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println(new CountriesAdapter()


package com.in28minutes.patterns;

public class BuilderPattern {

	static class Coffee {
		private Coffee(Builder builder) {
			this.type = builder.type;
			this.sugar = builder.sugar;
			this.milk = builder.milk;
			this.size = builder.size;

		private String type;//Should be a enum Lazy bum
		private boolean sugar;
		private boolean milk;
		private String size;//Should be a enum Lazy bum

		public static class Builder {
			private String type;//Should be a enum Lazy bum
			private boolean sugar;
			private boolean milk;
			private String size;//Should be a enum Lazy bum

			public Builder(String type) {
				this.type = type;

			public Builder sugar(boolean value) {
				sugar = value;
				return this;

			public Builder milk(boolean value) {
				milk = value;
				return this;

			public Builder size(String value) {
				size = value;
				return this;

			public Coffee build() {
				return new Coffee(this);

		public String toString() {
			return String
					.format("Coffee [type=%s, sugar=%s, milk=%s, size=%s]",
							type, sugar, milk, size);


	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Coffee coffee = new Coffee.Builder("Mocha").milk(
		//Simplifies Creation
		//More Readable Code
		//Values cannot be modified


package com.in28minutes.patterns;
 * instantiate an object from one among a set of classes based on some logic
public class FactoryPattern {
	public static class PersonFactory {
		public static Person getPerson(String name,
				String gender) {
				return new Male(name);
			}else if(gender.equalsIgnoreCase("F")){
				return new Female(name);
			} //So on..
			return null;

	static abstract class Person {
		Person(String name){
			this.name = name;
		private String name;
		abstract String getSalutation();
		String getNameAndSalutation(){
			return getSalutation() + " " + name;
	static class Male extends Person{
		public Male(String name) {

		String getSalutation() {
			return "Mr";
	static class Female extends Person{
		public Female(String name) {

		String getSalutation() {
			return "Miss/Mrs";
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Person male = PersonFactory.getPerson("Robinhood","M");
		Person female = PersonFactory.getPerson("Mary","F");


package com.in28minutes.patterns;

public enum MySingletonUsingEnum {
	private MySingletonUsingEnum() {

	public String retrieveSomething() {
		return "DUMMY";



package com.in28minutes.patterns;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
 * You want to know when an event happens
public class ObserverPattern {
	static class SachinCenturyNotifier{
		List<SachinFan> fans = new ArrayList<SachinFan>();
		void register(SachinFan fan){
		void sachinScoredACentury(){
			for(SachinFan fan:fans){
	static class SachinFan {
		private String name;
		SachinFan(String name){
			this.name = name;
		void announce(){
			System.out.println(name + "  notified");
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SachinCenturyNotifier notifier = new SachinCenturyNotifier();
		notifier.register(new SachinFan("Ranga"));
		notifier.register(new SachinFan("Ramya"));
		notifier.register(new SachinFan("Veena"));
		 * Ranga  notified
Ramya  notified
Veena  notified



package com.in28minutes.patterns;

public class SingletonPattern {
	static class Singleton {
		private static Singleton instance = new Singleton();

		private Singleton() {

		public static Singleton getSingleInstance() {
			return instance;



package com.in28minutes.patterns;

public class StatePattern {
	static class FanWallControl {
		private SpeedLevel current;

		public FanWallControl() {
			current = new Off();

		public void set_state(SpeedLevel state) {
			current = state;

		public void rotate() {

		public String toString() {
			return String.format(
					"FanWallControl [current=%s]", current);

	interface SpeedLevel {
		void rotate(FanWallControl fanWallControl);

	static class Off implements SpeedLevel {
		public void rotate(FanWallControl fanWallControl) {
			fanWallControl.set_state(new SpeedLevel1());

	static class SpeedLevel1 implements SpeedLevel {
		public void rotate(FanWallControl fanWallControl) {
			fanWallControl.set_state(new SpeedLevel2());

	static class SpeedLevel2 implements SpeedLevel {
		public void rotate(FanWallControl fanWallControl) {
			fanWallControl.set_state(new SpeedLevel3());

	static class SpeedLevel3 implements SpeedLevel {
		public void rotate(FanWallControl fanWallControl) {
			fanWallControl.set_state(new Off());

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		FanWallControl fanControl = new FanWallControl();
		 * FanWallControl [current=com.rithus.patterns.StatePattern$Off@7a6d084b]
FanWallControl [current=com.rithus.patterns.StatePattern$SpeedLevel1@2352544e]
FanWallControl [current=com.rithus.patterns.StatePattern$SpeedLevel2@457471e0]
FanWallControl [current=com.rithus.patterns.StatePattern$SpeedLevel3@7ecec0c5]


package com.in28minutes.patterns;

 * Separates Strategy - how you do something - into a separate class.
 * Allows easy change of strategy at a later point.
public class StrategyPattern {
	interface Sortable {
		public int[] sort(int[] numbers);

	static class BubbleSort implements Sortable {
		public int[] sort(int[] numbers) {
			// Ideally the bubble sort is implemented completely here
			return numbers;

	static class QuickSort implements Sortable {
		public int[] sort(int[] numbers) {
			// Ideally the quick sort is implemented completely here
			return numbers;

	static class ComplexClass {
		Sortable sorter;

		ComplexClass(Sortable sorter) {
			this.sorter = sorter;

		void doAComplexThing() {
			int[] values = null; // get from somewhere..
			// ..logic..
			// ..logic..

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		ComplexClass complexClassInstance = new ComplexClass(new BubbleSort());
		// This can also be a setter..

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  • At in28Minutes, we ask ourselves one question everyday. How do we help you learn effectively - that is more quickly and retain more of what you have learnt?
  • We use Problem-Solution based Step-By-Step Hands-on Approach With Practical, Real World Application Examples.
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  • While our primary expertise is on Development, Design & Architecture Java & Related Frameworks (Spring, Struts, Hibernate) we are expanding into the front-end world (Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular JS).

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  • Best Courses are interactive and fun.
  • Foundations for building high quality applications are best laid down while learning.

Our Approach

  • Problem Solution based Step by Step Hands-on Learning
  • Practical, Real World Application Examples.
  • We use 80-20 Rule. We discuss 20% things used 80% of time in depth. We touch upon other things briefly equipping you with enough knowledge to find out more on your own.
  • We will be developing a demo application in the course, which could be reused in your projects, saving hours of your effort.
  • We love open source and therefore, All our code is open source too and available on Github.

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Design Patterns for Beginners
