ralaruri / object-storage-railway

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Object-Storage Railway


  • Created by Ramzi Al-Aruri
  • This application a high level incopration of Object storage using Railway and Google Cloud Storage.

Deploy on Railway

Application Structure

  • Current App Structure
├── buckets                        // Database other configuration
|   ├── bucket_operator.go         // Bucket Operations (Write, Read)
│   └── create_bucket.go           // Creating the Bucket, Connection and decoding
|── handlers                        // Logic for API (Eventually will include router)
|   └── health.go                   // Health Check on API
|── utils                           // constants and tools (i.e.) dotenv
|   └── dotenv.go                   // setting up the .env extract
|── object_creator                  // Mocking Json file creator
|   └── cheese_creator.go           // Mock json creation & deletion
|── .env_example                    // Example .env
|── go.mod                          // configuration setup by Go
|── go.sum                          // configuration setup by Go
|── *main.go*                       *// Entry point for app *
└── README.md                       // This Readme!

Go Setup

Installing Go using asdf

  • This is how I manage my local Go & Python installations
  • You can have a seperate instance of Go versions for each project.
  1. Installing asdf using homebrew
  • brew install asdf
  • echo -e "\n. $(brew --prefix asdf)/libexec/asdf.sh" >> ~/.zsh_profile
  1. Installing go
  • asdf plugin add go
  • asdf install go latest
  1. Setting a Version
  • asdf global go latest if you need to a set a local env.
  • asdf local go latest

Running Go Files Locally an Example Project.

  1. Create a Directory i.e. hello

  2. Go into the dircectory cd hello

  3. get the path of the directory pwd >> documents/projects/hello

OR just name it based on the directory i.e. object-storage.app

  1. init the project go mod init object-storage.app

  2. check the go.mod file cat go.mod

  3. run go install

  4. create a main.go file

add this code snippet

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, SlimeCorp")

  1. finally run the file go run main.go

Encoding & Decoding Base64 JSON key.

  • Never commit your json service account details from GCP.
  • This is just one method to get service accounts to work in Railway for GCP specfically
  1. In your terminal run cat object-storage-railway.json | base64

output will be a encoded base64 string copy and use that and .ENV variable or value inside of Railway.

  1. Inside the code we have a function that will decode the string at runtime to use the service account permissions.
func CovertStringToJSON(env_details string) []byte {
	decoded_json, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(env_details)
	if err != nil {

	return decoded_json


Project Packages

Railway Setup:

  • Railway: railway.app
  1. Link Git Repo to Railway
  2. Add encoded base64 service account value to the variable of the railway project for this repo.
  3. Add ENV=PROD in addition to the variables. This allows you to use a .env file locally if you want to test before you deploy to Railway but the beauty of Railway it can be part of your testing & ci/cd stack.



Language:Go 100.0%