rakhmad / vertx-http-example-redhat

HTTP Vert.x Booster using The Redhat version of Eclipse Vert.x

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


How to Build

You can build this project with this maven command:

mvn clean install

Deploying to Red Hat OpenShift

This project relies in Eclipse JKube's OpenShift Maven Plugin for deploying to Red Hat OpenShift. OpenShift Maven Plugin is available in openshift profile. You can deploy this application using this command:

mvn oc:deploy -Popenshift

Once you're done with testing, you can undeploy this using this goal:

mvn oc:undeploy -Popenshift


HTTP Vert.x Booster using The Redhat version of Eclipse Vert.x

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HTML 85.9%Language:XSLT 6.5%Language:Java 4.1%Language:Shell 3.5%