raj0512gaurav / fastapi-socialmedia

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FastAPI-Based RESTFUL API of Social Media App

This API has 4 routes

1) Post route

This route is reponsible for creating post, deleting post, updating post and Checking post

2) Users route

This route is about creating users and searching user by id

3) Auth route

This route is about login system

4) Vote route

This route is about likes or vote system and this route contain code for upvote or back vote there is not logic about down vote

Project Highlights

  • FastAPI-Powered Backend: Leveraging FastAPI, this project provides a high-performance API framework known for its speed, ease of use, and asynchronous capabilities.
  • Data Serialization & Validation: Utilizes Pydantic for seamless data serialization/deserialization and schema validation, ensuring data consistency and integrity.
  • ORM with SQLAlchemy: Implements SQLAlchemy ORM for efficient database interactions, allowing seamless integration with PostgreSQL and managing data models.
  • Database Migrations: Utilizes Alembic for managing database schema changes and migrations, ensuring database versioning and consistency.
  • Secure Authentication with JWT: Implements JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for user authentication and endpoint security, enhancing API access control.



Language:Python 96.8%Language:Mako 3.2%