rainlab / pages-plugin

Adds static pages and menus

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Page content don't render in backend editor

MattiaMarchiorato opened this issue · comments

  • OctoberCMS Build: 471
  • RainLab Pages Plugin Version:1.3.6
  • PHP Version: 7.4


On some device when they access to a page in backend in the editor there is no content.
If we inspect the html code we see the html content.

Steps To Reproduce:

Edit a page or create a new page

The issue is caused by an height: auto !important; on .field-richeditor.stretch .fr-box:not(.fr-fullscreen) .fr-wrapper that is write in richeditor.css


Hey @Mattia-Marchiorato

This plugin is at current version v1.4.6, please test using this version.


Hello @daftspunk
same problem with the 1.4.6, that happen only in some pc/mac with chrome/safari, at this moment firefox is working.
I tested on my iPhone with chrome and i have the same issue.




I'm sorry I could not replicate this issue using October CMS v2.1.7 across common Mac and PC browsers. The editor appears to render fine in all cases.