RailsGirlsRome / bookmarks

❤ My Bookmarks ❤

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Welcome to the B❤❤kmarx Rails Girls app!

We’re going to develop a simple bookmarks sharing app. People will be able to signup/signin, add their bookmarks and fork others :-)

See finished work in action: rgr13-bookmarks.herokuapp.com.

Setup Devise

  • add devise gem and run setup scripts

    > rails generate devise:install
    > rails generate devise User
  • add ‘username’ attribute to devise migration

  • remove ‘recoverable’ and ‘confirmable’ stuff from devise migration

  • validating presence and uniqueness of username in User model

  • generate views, add username field to signup form

    > rails g devise:views
  • run migration

    > rake db:migrate
  • go to /users/sign_up

  • run rails console

    > rails c
    -> User.all

Add Bookmark resource

  • generate scaffold for Bookmark resource

    > rails g scaffold bookmark title url user_id:integer
    > rake db:migrate
  • add validations and relations between User and Bookmark

  • require User authentication to manage Bookmark

  • order Bookmark by descending creation date

Better views

  • integrate Twitter Bootstrap by installing bootstrap-sass gem

  • add prettier styles and remove css scaffold


  • add home page with all bookmarks

  • show User’s bookmarks in bookmarks index page

  • add public User profile

  • remove #show action for Bookmark

    • views

    • controller

  • add pagination

    • add kaminari gem

      > rails generate kaminari:config

    • add pagination to index pages

    • adapt pagination to bootstrap

      > rails generate kaminari:views bootstrap


  • add postgresql gem for production

  • setup Puma web server

    • add Procfile: web: bundle exec rails server puma -p $PORT -e $RACK_ENV

    • add .env: set RACK_ENV and RAILS_ENV to development

  • prevent environment to be loaded during assets precompile:

    • add “config.assets.initialize_on_precompile = false” to config/application.rb

  • create heroku app:

    > heroku create rgr13-yourname-bookmarks


  • improve html and css (show finished work)

  • use username instead of id in public User profile url

  • handle profile not found error (redirect to profiles path with an alert notice)

  • add prettier tables to show Bookmarks

  • fork Bookmarks

Push to Heroku

* heroku apps:create rgr13-bookmarks-<developer name>

* ssh keygen -t rsa

* heroku keys:add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

* git push heroku master


❤ My Bookmarks ❤


Language:Ruby 95.8%Language:JavaScript 4.2%