rails / webpacker

Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

trying to use 6.0.0.rc.5 in rails 6 app, but now get massive number of 404s from javascript_pack_tag...?

patrick99e99 opened this issue · comments

My html document has many script tags such as:

<script src="/packs/runtime-76a7030ad97edd4df84a.js" defer="defer"></script>
<script src="/packs/vendors-node_modules_webpack_hot_dev-server_js-76a7030ad97edd4df84a.js" defer="defer></script>
<script src="/packs/vendors-node_modules_angular_index_js-exposed-76a7030ad97edd4df84a.js" defer="defer"</script>

But there is no runtime-76a7030ad97edd4df84a.js or vendors-node_modules_webpack_hot_dev-server_js-76a7030ad97edd4df84a.js in my public/packs folder... There are in fact no files at all other than the manifest in public/packs.. However, there are many finger printed files in public/packs/js, but not including those 3 I listed above...

My webpacker.yml has the following defaults:

default: &default
  source_path: app/javascript
  source_entry_path: /
  public_root_path: public
  public_output_path: packs
  cache_path: tmp/webpacker
  webpack_compile_output: false

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong here... ?