rails / rails-html-sanitizer

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Data URI's get sanitized

Qqwy opened this issue · comments

When I sanitize a HTML string with an image whose src points to a data URI, its src attribute is removed (even when src is whitelisted):

unclean_html = "A test
<img src=\"http://placehold.it/400x300\">
<img src=''/>"
sanitizer = Rails::Html::WhiteListSanitizer.new
clean_html = sanitizer.sanitize(unclean_html, tags: %w{img}, attributes: %w{src})
# => "A test\n    <img src=\"http://placehold.it/400x300\">\n    <img>"

I presume that this happens because of too strict JS-prevention measures (or the data-URI is just discarded because the sanitizer does not understand the protocol?).

After testing this, it seems that the issue is also apparent inside of Loofah, so I think it is not caused by the code in rails-html-sanitizer itself.

I've created an issue at the Loofah repository.

This issue should be closed, since we have a conversation going on at flavorjones/loofah#101

Thanks folks! I'll close ❤️