rails / jbuilder

Jbuilder: generate JSON objects with a Builder-style DSL

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Passing locals to `json.array!` ?

jamesst20 opened this issue · comments


I am trying to find what is the best way to pass locals to json.array!

The reason behind this is that I would like to render a "lighter" version of my objects in the index action whereas the show action would render more attributes.


json.array! cards, partial: "api/cards/card", as: :card, locals: { full: true } 

Is there a way to achieve something like that?

Thank you!

@jamesst20 yes, in the current version of jbuilder (v2.11.5) the example you shared works with an explicit locals: key. You can also pass locals as additional kwargs. Both of these are equivalent:

json.array! cards, partial: "api/cards/card", as: :card, locals: { full: true } 
json.array! cards, partial: "api/cards/card", as: :card, full: true

This was my mistake.

json.array! supports locals just fine. What didn't was this scenario

json.user(user, partial: "path/to/partial", as: :user, full: true) # full is not passed
json.user(user, partial: "path/to/partial", as: :user, locals: { full: true }) # full is not passed

However this can be replaced by

json.partial! "path/to/partial", user: user, full: true
json.partial! "path/to/partial", locals: { user: user, full: true }

Which works just fine. I will close the ticket.