rails-engine / notifications

🛎 Notifications Center engine like GitHub or other application for any Rails applications.

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How do I create a notification partial for this view?

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I've already setup a notification for whenever a user posts a review on a book, the book.user gets notified in this partial: views/notifications/_book.html.erb. At the same time, I trying to create notification to a user's followers for whenever the user they're following posts a new book. IMO, supposed to create a book partial to render the notification view but I already have a duplicate of the book partial to show reviews notifications. Now I don't know if I can still tweak in in the same file or create something else.

I've implemented following relationships which is working well on my app from this tutorial https://www.devwalks.com/lets-build-instagram-with-ruby-on-rails-part-6-follow-all-the-people/

This is what I've done so far with the codes


  has_many :books, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :chapters, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :reviews, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :genres
  has_many :ratings


belongs_to :book
belongs_to :user

after_commit :create_notifications, on: :create


def create_notifications
   Notification.create do |notification|
       notification.notify_type = 'book'
       notification.actor = self.user
       notification.user = self.book.user
       notification.target = self
       notification.second_target = self.book


<div class=''>
 <%= link_to notification.actor.username, main_app.profile_path(notification.actor.username) %> reviewed
<%= link_to notification.second_target.title, main_app.book_path(notification.second_target) %>

<div class=''>
   <% unless notification.target.blank? %>
      <div class="review-rating" data-score="<%= notification.target.rating %>"></div>
      <%= notification.target.comment %>
  <% end %>


belongs_to :user
has_many :chapters, dependent: :destroy

after_commit :create_notifications, on: :create

def create_notifications
    self.user.followers.each do |follower|
      Notification.create(notify_type: 'book', 
                          actor: self.user,
                          user: follower, 
                          target: self, 
                          second_target: self.book)


So, if I've to render in the same partial, how should I? or maybe I've to do it another way?

The notify_type means the action.

By your case,

  • a user posts a review on a book, the notify_type you can use notify_type: "review_book"
  • to a user's followers for whenever the user they're the following posts a new book, you can use notify_type: "new_book"

Use the different notify_type names for the different cases.