rahuldesai1129's starred repositories
worked with an Amazon Redshift cluster to analyze USA Domestic flight data. Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service that makes it simple and cost-effective to efficiently analyze all your data using your existing business intelligence tools. It is optimized for datasets ranging from a few hundred gigabytes to a petabyte or more and costs less than $1,000 per terabyte per year, a tenth the cost of most traditional data warehousing solutions
Process to gather streaming data from Airline API using NiFi & batch data using AWS redshift using Sqoop and build a data pipeline to analyse the data using Apache Hive and Druid and compare the performances ,to discuss the hive optimization techniques and visualise the data using AWS Quicksight
In this project, a framework is developed leveraging the capabilities of artificial neural networks to “caption an image based on its significant features”.
Player Unknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG), is a first person shooter game where the goal is to be the last player standing. You are placed on a giant circular map that shrinks as the game goes on, and you must find weapons, armor, and other supplies in order to kill other players / teams and survive.
The core objective of this project is to analyse the factors for demand for taxis, to find the most pickups, drop-offs of public based on their location, time of most traffic and how to overcome the needs of the public.
Infrastructure as Code tools examples
How can I manage microservices using ecs-cli?
Infra is Code & Infra as Code by examples using Cloud Development Kit (CDK) & Terraform
Terraform modules to build AWS Infrastructure
Running Puppeteer on AWS Lambda Using Serverless Framework
Reference architecture that shows how to take a Node.js application, containerize it, and deploy it as microservices on Amazon Elastic Container Service.
Amazon ECS Workshop
Start with the eksworkshop setup
An opinionated Terraform module to provision AWS resources for Gatsby using S3, CloudFront, and Route53.
It is an approach to develop spring based application with very less configuration. It provides defaults for code and annotation configuration to quick start new spring projects within no time.
Node.js application using Skaffold and GitHub Actions for deployments to Amazon EKS cluster
This repository contains code to deploy 3 tier architecture to AWS using Terraform
Creating an infrastructure that is redundant across multiple availability zones, end users can only access the app through a domain name, the database should only be accessible from the application servers. a secure way to access the servers for troubleshooting must be provided.
a simple weather-bot application that uses amazon-lex for chatting with the users and getting the weather details for particular city made with help of openweathermap .
Building an Roburst Search Application with help of aws-elasticsearch , aws api gateway and aws lambda
MyMeetingSchedulerApplication is an angular application which helps people schedule meetings throughout the day as well as according to people's calenders scheduling meetings becomes easy. The website is hosted on Elastic Beanstalk (AWS) . As well as the angular application is stored in a docker image .
Build machine learning-powered business intelligence analyses using Amazon QuickSight
to use AWS Developer Tools to create a Serverless CI/CD pipeline that you can use to automate deployments of infrastructure with Terraform. By using Terraform and CI/CD, your security engineers can deploy security infrastructure services in a clearly defined and immutable process, such as AWS WAF.
NBA-Portfolio is an Angular Application which contains Porfolio of all the NBA's players and their stats across several seasons . It also contains latest updates about the NBA fetched from twitter and the schedule about NBA games to be played .The website is hosted on Azure .
In this Project, we explore the CD or Continuous Delivery along with AWS Fargate
Todoapp is a simple Web Application designed to use AWS for CI/CD Pipeline Functionality using AWS CodePipeline, it also does UI testing using Ghost Inspector with the help of CodePipeline build stage.
OnlineBookstore is a Cloud-Based Website which is created using AWS , React and Stripe . In building this project , Amplify, AppSync, DynamoDB, S3, Lambda services in AWS and React Hooks, Context API in ReactJS were used . Stripe was used to process payments.
This project integrates the Twitter API in the portfolio project to get the latest tweets from the NBA, players, reporters etc