rahama21 / TestMetrics

Test Metrics

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Test Metrics :

Various contributors. Software testing metrics are a way to measure and monitor your test activities. More importantly, they give insights into your team's test progress, productivity, and the quality of the system under test.

Total TC = 70, Not executed TC=1 Pass=62 Fail=5, Out of Scope= 2

  1.   % of Test Cases Executed: No of test cases executed/Total no of test cases written *100
              No of the TC executed a= 62 ,
               Total No of the TC b= 70
               a/b×100 = (62/70)×100 =88.57%


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  2.  % of Test Cases Not Executed:( No of test cases Not executed/Total no of test cases written )*100
             No of the TC  Not executed a= 62 ,
               Total No of the TC b= 70
               a/b=(1/70)×100 =1.43%


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  3.   % of Test  cases passed : (No of test cases passed/  Total test cases executed)* 100
             Test cases passed = 62
              a/b= (62/70)×100 = 88.57%
  4.   % of Test  cases failed : (No of test cases failed/  Total test cases executed)* 100
             Test cases failed = 5
             a/b×100 = (5/70)×100 =7.14%
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  5.   % of Test cases blocked : ( No of test cases blocked/  Total test cases executed)* 100
                     No of Tc  blocked a= 7
                      Test case executed  b = 54
                      a/b×100= (7/70)×100=10%
  6.  Defect Density : Number of defects identified by per requirments
              No of defects found/ size(no of requirments)
                     Let No of defect found a= 2 
                     Size b =500
                     a/b ×100 = (2/500)×100=0.4
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    1. Defect removal Efficiency : A/(A+B)*100 Fixed Defects/(Fixed Defects+Missed Defects)*100
     A= Defect identified during testing/fixed defect,
      B = Defects identified
     by customer/Missed defects
     A=0.4,B=1.5,{0.4/(0.4+1.5)}×100= 21.053%
  7. Defect Leakage:(No of defects found in UAT/No of defects found in testin)*100
                UAT defects =2
                Defects found in testing=5


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  1. Defect Rejection Ratio : (No of defect rejected/Total no of defect raises)*100
            Defect rejected=5
              Defect raises 10
           a=5 b =10, a/b×100=( 5/10)×100=50%
  2.    Defect Age: Fixed Date - Reported Date
  3. Customer setisfection: No of complaints per period of time


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Test Metrics