

Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

raeldrou's repositories


Python client for the Facebook Ads API



Red Ink is a personal finance social network, built as a Free and Open Source Software project. Red Ink apps leverage the collective financial information of their participants to help them make more informed and better financial decisions. * Would you like to track your energy consumption compared to your friends? * Measure if you are over paying or spending compared to others * See how and where money flows through your community? * Measure economic trends across local or national groups? * Or just get deals and recommendations based your actual consumption? These are just a few of the ideas posited by the Red Ink platform as we try to re-invent personal finance. Red Ink is a research project of the Center for Future Civic Media at the MIT Media Lab.



This repo is for demonstration purposes only. Comments and issues may or may not be responded to.
