radzenhq / radzen-blazor

Radzen Blazor is a set of 70+ free native Blazor UI components packed with DataGrid, Scheduler, Charts and robust theming including Material design and FluentUI.

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Misleading filter indication

RTSTALER opened this issue · comments

I found two bugs. Here are the reproduction steps:

Bug 1

  1. Open advanced filter window
  2. Write something in any of two meanings
  3. Press Tab
  4. The filter icon changes to active
  5. Press Escape

Result: The filter icon remains active, although the data has not been loaded, which is misleading

Because when you enter any value, the filter value changes and I cannot bypass this. As one of the options, I suggest clearing the column filter by pressing a button Escape

Bug 2

  1. Open advanced filter window
  2. Select any filter operator except IsNull/IsNotNull/IsEmpty/IsNotEmpty
  3. Write something in any of two meanings
  4. Erase everything you wrote and click Apply.

Result: The filter was applied when it shouldn't be
After all, to filter by “empty string” there are the above listed filters

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 11
  • Browser Chrome/Edge/Firefox
  • Version RadzenDemos

I sent you a merge request, but was rejected without any response. I hope to hear it


Are you using GitHub for the first time? Your pull request was no rejected but closed by a commit with more general implementation/fixes. 3b31cec


Are you using GitHub for the first time? Your pull request was no rejected but closed by a commit with more general implementation/fixes. 3b31cec

Sorry, I didn't see the commit message this morning. Thanks for listening