radius-project / recipes

Community Recipes

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rad recipe registration

kevinevans1 opened this issue · comments

Bug information

Steps to reproduce (required)

rad init
Initializing Radius. This may take a minute or two...
✅ Use existing Radius 0.29.0 install on microk8s    
✅ Use existing environment default                  
✅ Scaffold application terraform                    
✅ Update local configuration                        
Initialization complete! Have a RAD time 😎     

Observed behavior (required)

rad recipe register myrecipe --environment myenv --resource-type Applications.Datastores/redisCaches --template-kind terraform --template-path recipes/terraform --template-version "1.1.0"
Error: {
"code": "NotFound",
"message": "the resource with id '/planes/radius/local/resourcegroups/default/providers/Applications.Core/environments/myenv' was not found",
"target": "/planes/radius/local/resourcegroups/default/providers/Applications.Core/environments/myenv"

TraceId: f2e3f6eec52768e337ad59e3f5b95559

Desired behavior (required)

terraform to be registered in local radius dev cluster

Workaround (optional)


System information

rad Version (required)


rad version
0.29.0 v0.29.0 0.29.0 6abd7bfc3de0e748a2c34b721d95097afb6a2bba

Operating system (required)

Windows 11 23H2 with WSL

Additional context

Could be a user error :)


Thanks for reporting @kevinevans1! Looks like an issue with the resource group or environment.

In your rad init example it looks like you have an environment named default, but in the registration step you were referencing an environment named myenv. If you're using your default environment, could you try the following command to address default instead of myenv?

rad recipe register myrecipe --environment default --resource-type Applications.Datastores/redisCaches --template-kind terraform --template-path recipes/terraform --template-version "1.1.0"

@kevinevans1 - Were you able to rectify this user error and make progress ?

Seems to be resolved/no reproducible steps.