radicle-dev / radicle-keystore

Key Management

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Merge keystore into link?

cloudhead opened this issue · comments

Now that there is no more registry to depend on radicle-keystore, should we merge it into the radicle-link repo?

/cc @kim @xla @FintanH


Woohoo, we've come full circle! As long as we don't depend on published crates, one monorepo pinned at a single sha is the simplest to handle for downstream. Yet it didn't cause any trouble recently, so no strong preference.

I don't see a need for us to take on that work, to be honest.

As long as we don't depend on published crates,

So maybe we can publish this crate since it's pretty stable at the moment? It can join radicle-surf in Crate Olympus

Ok, I’m fine with keeping as-is, though I think it would have made it easier to do atomic changes across crates.

Is the build process fundamentally different when crates are in the same workspace, vs not? (Not that we’d be obliged to add it to the workspace)

Note that my proposal is about moving the crate to the radicle-link repo, not merging the code into librad.

Okay, this seems controversial, closing 👍