radical-cybertools / radical.entk

The RADICAL Ensemble Toolkit

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Example eop.py fails with apparent MongoClient fork error

drawadiagram opened this issue · comments

I am attempting to run the eop.py example on a fresh entk install in a virtual environment. All tasks seem to schedule and then fail. The session closes correctly. I am testing this in a fresh environment because this no longer works in the environment I was using with some success a month ago. For this test I am using RMQ on localhost, and MongoDB mongodb://scm177:[password]@

I see this apparent MDB error in the output:

Update: pipeline.0000.stage.0000 state: SCHEDULED
MongoClient opened before fork. Create MongoClient only after forking. See PyMongo's documentation for details: https://pymongo.readthedocs.io/en/stable/faq.html#is-pymongo-fork-safe
Update: pipeline.0003.stage.0009.task.0009 state: SUBMITTING
submit: #################

See logs and output attached. Output from radical-stack as follows:

python : /home/mason/dutt_lab/pacer/bin/python3
pythonpath :
version : 3.6.9
virtualenv : /home/mason/dutt_lab/pacer

radical.entk : 1.6.5
radical.gtod : 1.5.0
radical.pilot : 1.6.5
radical.saga : 1.6.5
radical.utils : 1.6.5

Please advise.

@drawadiagram can you confirm this now works so that we can close this ticket?

@mturilli I am still having trouble with the RMQ ticket, which errors out my authentication before I can get to this one. Previously I was able to use a local RMQ instance to bridge, but that is no longer available on my local system. Please advise.

examples/simple/eop.py|poe.py are broken. This is not an issue with the user. I am going to close this ticket and open one for the EnTK team to fix those examples.