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exec-path setting is wrong on windows+msys2

ijah4 opened this issue · comments

exec-path is set differently under the following two scenes.

  • when starting emacs from cmd or powershell. exec-path looks like this:

wrong ("c:./c/msys/mingw64/bin:/c/msys/usr/local/bin:/c/msys/usr/bin:/c/msys/usr/bin: ......")

  • when starting emacs from msys bash or msys zsh. exec-path looks like this:

right ("c:/msys/mingw64/bin/" "c:/msys/usr/local/bin/" "c:/msys/usr/bin/" "c:/msys/usr/bin/" ......)

win10 + msys2 python3 ported on msys2

I noticed that exec-path is set in radian-env-setup through scripts/print_env.py. so i ran the os.environ.items on cmd and zsh shell.
I get environment variable PATH style is different.
One is /c/msys/mingw64/bin:/c/msys/usr/local/bin:/c/msys/usr/bin:/c/msys/usr/bin: style.
Another is C:\\msys\\mingw64\\bin;C:\\msys\\usr\\local\\bin;C:\\msys\\usr\\bin;C:\\msys\\usr\\bin; style.
Maybe this bring the exec-path can't set rightly. but i don't why, and how to correct it.

Finally, I like radian and CTRLF. thank you.

I find that the reason is shell' PATH directory order is different. When i use this order/c/msys/mingw64/bin:/c/msys/usr/local/bin:/c/msys/usr/bin:. exec-path can be set correctly.
This issue is closer to msys2. so i close it. Thank you.

On msys2, Python from mingw64/bin is windows native application, the one from/usr/bin is UNIX emulated application.

Sounds good, glad you figured it out :)