radar / humanize

Takes your numbers and makes them *fancy*.

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Number 10**18 and above are breaking in Indonesian locale

styd opened this issue · comments


1_000_000_000_000_000_000.humanize(:locale => :id)
# => NoMethodError: undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass

If any of you Indonesians knows the name of these unnamed scales:

['', 'ribu', 'juta', 'miliar', 'triliun', 'kuadriliun', 1018, 1021, 1024, 1027, 'kuintiliun', 'desiliun', 1036, .. ],

please let us know in the comments or send us a PR.

As you can see, I've found the names of 1030 and 1033. But it supposed to be contiguous so that it wouldn't break.

I thought so too. But, according to:

kuintiliun is sepuluh pangkat tiga puluh (di Amerika Serikat: sepuluh pangkat lima belas).
In English that would be ten to the power of thirty (in the United States of America: ten to the power of fifteen)

These websites (kateglo.com and kbbi.web.id) use the official dictionary data from Pusat Bahasa Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (the Ministry of Education and Culture's Center of Indonesian language). I believe kateglo.com is the most updated one. Many Indonesian translators used either these or the printed dictionary to check the standard spelling and the most accurate meaning of an Indonesian word. I know this because I was a translator (although not very good at it). I still am actually, but now only occasionally.

As for desiliun, the definition is satuan bilangan besar (di atas satu juta) yang dilambangkan dengan 33 nol pada sistem Amerika atau dengan 60 nol pada sistem Inggris. In English: a unit of large number (above one million) which is denoted by 33 zeroes in American system or by 60 zeroes in British system. I assume Indonesian would follow the American system because it usually is unless otherwise specified as in the case of kuintiliun.

I've asked one of the experts of Indonesian language in twitter about this and still waiting for his reply.
He is the main creator of kateglo.com.

This issue has been opened for long. I assume nobody knows the answers either or maybe they haven't been defined. So, I'm closing this issue.
Anyone is welcome to reraise it if needed.