racytech / evm_eof_docs

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EVM Object Foramt (EOF)

Included Proposals.

see Opcode Table for the opcode description and pseudocode

EIP-3540. Structured Bytecode and Versioning (EVM Object Format v1)

Legacy bytecode does not have any structure or any bytecode organization rules. Meaning that instractions in it can have any order. This makes it hard to analize and validate it. EIP-3540 organizes bytecode into clear structure. Following picture illustrates EOF version 1 format.

Container Structure

EIP-3670: Code Validation

Right now EVM can execute a faulty bytecode without knowing upfront that it was faulty. Execution of invalid bytecode still consumes gas and time. With this EIP it is possible to avoid such scenario. Since EOF has a pre-defined structure it is possible to validate a code at the deploy time.

Validation steps (order may not be right):

  • check if bytecode starts with magic (OxEF00), read version
  • validate EOF headers, check if each section header meets its attributes
  • validate types section body, check if each code section metadata meets its attributes
  • validate each code in code section body
    • validate instructions:
      • check if deprecated opcodes exist
      • check if there is no truncated instructions (when immediate_size of instruction out of bound)
      • check if instructions that refer to code section metadata (CALLF), container section body (CREATE3, RETURNCONTRACT) or data section body (DATALOADN) do have correct immediate value
    • validate relative jumps. check RJUMP, RJUMPI and RJUMPV for valid jump destinations
    • validate max stack height (EIP-5450: Stack Validation)
  • validate each sub-container in container section body by doing all the previous steps

EIP-4200: Static relative jumps

Legacy bytecode moves program counter by PUSHn ... JUMP/JUMPI which takes about 11 and 13 gas if no other instructions present in between them. With RJUMP, RJUMPI and RJUMPV it takes 2, 4 and 4 gas respectevly. So it is cheaper to move instruction pointers.

RJUMP, RJUMPI and RJUMPV can not point to PUSHn/RJUMP/RJUMPI/RJUMPV and they can not point outside of code bounds (code section body's code[i] on image above). Allowed to point to a JUMPDEST, but is not required to.

Opcdes deprecated: PC

EIP-4750: Functions

This proposal introduces functions instead of frequent jumps and removes the need for JUMP/JUMPI. To perform repeated tasks legacy bytecode performs PUSHn ... JUMP which is costly and this sequence does not meet added code validation requirements.

CALLF - switch to the code section in the code section body (image above), start executing that code

code_section_index = read_uint16_be(current_code[pc+1])
perform stack overflow check
return_stack.push({current_code_idx, PC_post_intruction, operand_stack.height - types[code_section_index].inputs}) 
current_code_index = code_section_index
set PC to 0

return_stack is a stack of items representing execution state to return to after function execution is finished. Limited to 1024 items. (Save current execution state)


code_section_index code's index in the code section body in the image above
offset program counter to start from in the code
stack_height calling function stack height

RETF - return from the code section, get back to the code section where CALLF was executed

val = return_stack.pop()
current_code_idx, pc = val.code_section_index, val.offset

Opcdes deprecated: JUMP, JUMPI
Possible opcode deprecation: JUMPDEST

EIP-5450: Stack Validation

Perform stack validation on the bytecode (code section) at the deploy time, not at the run time as it is in legacy bytecode. This is done by checking number of stack items each instruction requires (underflow) and by checking maximum allowed stack height for the instruction to execute (overflow).

Additional checks on CALLF, RETF
CALLF check if type_section[immediate_arg].inputs are less then acc_stack_height (for underflow) and check if type_section[immediate_arg].outputs + acc_stack_height is less then STACK_SIZE_LIMIT = 1024 (for overflow)
RETF check if type_section[current_section].outputs is equal to acc_stack_height \

EIP-6206: JUMPF instruction

JUMPF Jump to a code section without adding a new return stack frame.

It is common for functions to make a call at the end of the routine only to then return. JUMPF optimizes this behavior by changing code sections without needing to update the return stack

Warks the same as CALLF except that JUMPF does not push to return_stack.

The code section must be non-returning. This can be checked by reading type_section[i].outputs == 0x80
(The first code section MUST have 0 inputs and be non-returning)

EIP-7480: Data section access instructions

Four new instrutions are introduced, that allow to read EOF container’s data section:

DATALOAD Pushes 32-byte word to stack from EOF container's data section
DATALOADN Pushes 32-byte immediate argument word to stack from EOF container's data section
DATASIZE Pushes data section size to the stack
DATACOPY Copies a segment of data section to memory

TBA: Contract Creation

CREATE3 Create a new account with associated code (EOF container/sub-container)

initcontainer_index = read_uint8_be(code[pc+1])
endowment, salt, input_offset, input_size = stack.pop(4)
initcontainer = get_sub_container(initcontainer_index)
if initcontainer_size > MAX_INITCODE_SIZE:
return_val, addr, return_gas, success = vm.create3(
                                        initcontainer, gas, salt, endowment)
success ? stack.push(addr) : stack.push(0)
contract.gas += return_gas

CREATE4 Create a new account with associated code (EOF container). Expects initcontainer to be in transaction context.
Introduces new transaction type which has a new filed initcodes of type [][]byte. Does the same thing as CREATE3 except it loads initcontainer from transaction context.

successful vm.create3/vm.create4 execution ends with initcode executing RETURNCONTRACT

RETURNCONTRACT Fetch sub-container and append data to it

deploy_container_index = read_uint8_be(code[pc+1])
aux_data_offset = stack.pop()
deploy_container = get_sub_container(deploy_container_index)
size = (data_section_offset + data_section_size) - deploy_container.size()
aux_data = memory[aux_data_offset:aux_data_offset+size]
exec_scope.deploy_container = deploy_container # will set this as code for newly create account
