racket / rackunit

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typed/rackunit: with-check-info broken

dergemkr opened this issue · comments

Given the following program on Racket v8.6 [cs]:

#lang typed/racket

(require rackunit)

   (lambda (elt)
      (('current-element elt))
      (check-pred odd? elt)))
   (list 1 3 5 7 8))

The following error is generated at compile time:

; test.rkt:7:5: Type Checker: missing type for identifier;
;  consider using `require/typed' to import it
;   identifier: with-check-info*
;   from module: check-info.rkt
;   in: (with-check-info (((quote current-element) elt)) (check-pred odd? elt))

and other similar errors for make-check-info and provide/contract-id-syntax->location (which I've only seen references to on racket/typed-racket#989).

I've poked around for a fix but haven't found a solution yet. If you can point me in the right direction, I can try to make a patch.

It makes sense that rackunit won't work, but I do expect typed/rackunit to work, and it doesn't.

It's weird since typed/rackunit is supposed to export the type for with-check-info*:
