racket / expeditor

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readline compatibility, configurability

Bogdanp opened this issue · comments

Aside from #2, the other big difference from readline for me is the interpretation of ^J, which is accept-line under readline (the same as ^M). How compatible should expeditor be with readline? Will expeditor expose the binding functionality to make stuff like this configurable?

Yes, there will be a way to configure keybindings.

It sounds like ^J should be the same as ^M, though. I was looking for a way to support three actions: accept if complete, accept unconditionally (assume complete), or just insert a newline (assume incomplete). On Mac OS, Option-Return tends to be the last one, so that's why Meta-^M is allocated that way. Is there a convention for the middle one?

I don't know of a convention for "accept unconditionally," but Meta-^J seems fine to me. Under readline, that defaults to vi-editing-mode, which I don't think would apply here. Since you've already mapped ^J to ee-newline/accept, I'm going to close this and open new issues if anything else pops up. Thanks!