racket / db

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


jackfirth opened this issue · comments

Inspired by this racket-users thread.

It would be useful to have some loggers for various database connection events to debug database connection issues. For example, logging all queries at the 'debug level or logging connection pool events like when a connection is returned to the pool instead of being closed.

Virtual connections and connection pools do already log their significant events at the debug level.

The other kinds of connections can print debugging information to stderr if you call the *-connect function with #:debug? #t. (That code predates Racket's logging support.)

What topic do they log events with? Documentation would be helpful.

More broadly, what's the recommended way for libraries to expose and document their logging facilities? Should libraries make and explicitly provide their own loggers with documentation, or is keeping the logger private and documenting what topic and levels are used enough?

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