rabite0 / hunter

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Three dots instead of image preview using sixel

sweenu opened this issue · comments

I am using hunter on Arch linux with wayland using the Alacritty terminal emulator.
I installed hunter with the AUR package which compiles hunter with all its features enabled however when I try the sixel graphical preview I only have three dots ....

I tried under X, with other terminal emulators but the result is always the same.

Any idea of what I might have missed?

  • Does anything change if you set graphics=unicode in ~/.config/hunter/config?
  • Does hunter-media exist in your $PATH?
  • Is there anything in the log (press g)?
  • Do you actually have libsixel installed? I just had this same problem today due to lacking libsixel. You can do a sanity check by running hunter-media manually. I should complain about lacking xsize. In fact you can run it like this to make it print out sixel: hunter-media 20 20 20 20 2 image true true sixel /path/to/image-or-video. That should make it display the image/video.

alacritty does not support sixel currently.

Ohhh, right, yeah... Totally missed that part.
I'm still interested in working on fixing that, but due to various circumstances I couldn't, yet. I wasn't able to work on hunter until very recently either, as you can see in the commit log.

But still, unless you put graphics=sixel explicitly in the config hunter should somewhat auto-detect the terminal's graphics support (currently only checks kitty and xterm explicitly) and otherwise default to the Unicode block drawing fallback.