rOpenGov / rtimes

R wrapper for NYTimes API for government data - ABANDONED

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Differing fields?

elinw opened this issue · comments

I've been doing a page at a time for article search (so 10 articles each). But I'm getting back a different number of columns in each batch. Sometimes there are 26 columns, sometimes 24 or 26. Is that normal?

not sure, saw the PR, will have a look

We're binding lists from parsing json into data.frames and so results may vary in what fields are given back - so I think its okay as is - dplyr::bind_rows can handle binding together data.frame's with different numbers of columns

Yes this is what I came up with as well, I notices that it differed for different time periods so that is part of it, and bind_rows() handles it fine.