r57zone / OpenVR-OpenTrack

OpenVR driver with OpenTrack support / OpenVR драйвер, с поддержкой OpenTrack

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Finger tracking and body part

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Have you found a way to send finger tracking data to SteamVR with CreateSkeletonComponent and UpdateSkeletonComponent ?

I am working with https://github.com/spayne/soft_knuckles but it doesn't work.

Else about the body part, I have absolutely no idea how vive tracker is working.

Hello, there is only HMD support in this driver, there is no controllers support. I don’t know why it doesn’t work.

your https://github.com/r57zone/OpenVR-driver-for-DIY is working btw

It gives me two HTC vive controllers.

I did controller support in other controllers [1], but valve constantly breaks compatibility, so my interest is gone.

As for knuckles, I have not tried it, I don’t know how to make support.

Got it