r3labs / sse

Server Sent Events server and client for Golang

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

can't upgrade to version 2.0.0+

paleozogt opened this issue · comments

➜  go get github.com/r3labs/sse@1.6.0
go: finding module for package gopkg.in/cenkalti/backoff.v1
go: found gopkg.in/cenkalti/backoff.v1 in gopkg.in/cenkalti/backoff.v1 v1.1.0

➜  go get github.com/r3labs/sse@v2.0.0
go get github.com/r3labs/sse@v2.0.0: github.com/r3labs/sse@v2.0.0: invalid version: module contains a go.mod file, so major version must be compatible: should be v0 or v1, not v2

I think this is because this project needs v2 in the import path.

@paleozogt Hi there, sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

I've updated the go mod file and implemented a v2 branch. Please could you let me know if this has resolved your issue?