r0x0r / pywebview

Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

Home Page:https://pywebview.flowrl.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.

Haoke98 opened this issue · comments


  • pywebview version: 5.0.5
  • operating system: Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Tue Nov 7 21:40:08 PST 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3.702.9~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 arm64
  • web renderer:


When I was use the pywebview with Vue+Typescript+JS project, it was throw the exception like RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. But, the same code use on the html+JS is work will. My code on the python is good , i was write it according to the pywebview official examples.
截屏2024-04-06 19 38 06


  • YES I am willing to work on this issue myself.

  • YES I am prepared to support this issue financially.

Are you using js api in your project? It sounds like a problem with the pywebview serializer

Are you using js api in your project? It sounds like a problem with the pywebview serializer

Yeah, I have used.
This is the Vue3+Typscript project:
截屏2024-04-06 20 49 10
This is the pywebview sandbox:
截屏2024-04-06 20 51 57
I think so, it is like a problem with the pywebview serializer, but how can I fix this ?

In addition, I am wondering if there are any dependent libraries or SDKs for pywebview that can be installed using npm or yarn.
Hope to provide some of the following functions:

  • Grammar tips.
  • Interface call.
  • Development environment debugging

Besides, I also think that some communication between Python and JS/TS/Vue can use Websocket

If not, I am willing to work with you guys to develop some convenient functions like this in the future.

After several attempts, I found that this problem only existed in Vue/Cli projects. After switching to React, this problem did not occur.

  • vue/cli@3 + TypeScript + Vite ❗️❗️
  • React+TypeScript + Vite + AntDesign

I cannot pinpoint the problem from the provided screenshots. Are you able to determine where infinite loop occurs?

I am not aware of any libraries built on top pywebview