r0man / cljs-http

A ClojureScript HTTP library.

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running lein test crashes phantomjs

dqdinh opened this issue · comments


Hi, I'm trying to run the unit tests but phantomjs crashes before completing. Strangely the tests pass on travis (https://travis-ci.org/r0man/cljs-http)

Do these tests pass on your local system? Any ideas why this is happening?

➜  cljs-http git:(master) ✗ lein version
Leiningen 2.6.1 on Java 1.8.0_45 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM

➜  cljs-http git:(master) lein test

;; ======================================================================
;; Testing with Phantom:

Testing cljs-http.client-test

FAIL in (test-cancel-channel) (:)
expected: (= resp nil)
  actual: (not (= {:status -1, :success false, :body "", :headers {}, :trace-redirects ["http://google.com" "http://google.com"], :error-code :exception, :error-text "Error: NETWORK_ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 101"} nil))

FAIL in (http-error-code) (:)
expected: (= :no-error (:error-code (<! success-req)))
  actual: (not (= :no-error :exception))

FAIL in (http-error-code) (:)
expected: (= :timeout (:error-code (<! timeout-req)))
  actual: (not (= :timeout :exception))
TypeError: Type error

  phantomjs://code/phantom5315752302497335760.js:74 in onError
Subprocess failed

@dqdinh The tests used to pass. They fail on my local machine as well now. I'm running phantomjs 2.1.1. I think the tests assert on some phantomjs internals that have changed now. I think this needs to be changed.


I just updated the dependencies and run the tests on Travis. They passed, so this is related to some changes on phantomjs. I don't have time to work on this at the moment. Patch that works on all phantomjs versions welcome ... ;)


@r0man - I'll look into this and see if I can get the tests to pass.

Still an issue here with phantomjs-2.1.1+dfsg-2 on Ubuntu 17.10. :(