r-lib / pkgdown

Generate static html documentation for an R package

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Consider not always generating pages from PR and issue templates

hsloot opened this issue · comments


The documentation of build_home states

build_home() function generates pages at the top-level of the site including:

  • The home page
  • HTML files from any .md files in ./ or .github/.

I cannot think of a situation where it makes sense to always generate pages for pull request templates or issues templates, commonly located in the .github/ folder; see creating a pull request template.


Add configuration meta$home$build_gh_templates as per

  build_gh_templates: yes # default: no

and in build_home_md()

build_home_md <- function(pkg) {

  mds <- dir_ls(pkg$src_path, glob = "*.md")

  # Also looks in .github, if it exists
  github_path <- path(pkg$src_path, ".github")
  if (dir_exists(github_path)) {
    mds <- c(mds, dir_ls(github_path, glob = "*.md"))

  # Remove files handled elsewhere
  handled <- c("README.md", "LICENSE.md", "LICENCE.md", "NEWS.md", "cran-comments.md")
  mds <- mds[!path_file(mds) %in% handled]

  # Do not build 404 page if in-dev
  if (pkg$development$in_dev) {
    mds <- mds[fs::path_file(mds) != "404.md"]

+ # Do not always include GH templates
+ if (!isTRUE(pkg$meta$home$build_gh_templates)) {
+   mds <- mds[!fs::path_file(mds) %in% c("pull_request_template.md", "pull_request_template.md")]
+ }

  lapply(mds, render_md, pkg = pkg)


Maybe on a broader scale, one could think of a file .pkgdownignore to control which files/directories should be ignored by pkgdown.


# Also looks in .github, if it exists
github_path <- path(pkg$src_path, ".github")
if (dir_exists(github_path)) {
mds <- c(mds, dir_ls(github_path, glob = "*.md"))

Would you like to turn this into a PR? I don't think this needs to be an option, since I doubt it is useful to anyone.

I can do that. Could you clarify if you consider this a user-facing change that should be mentioned in NEWS.md?

I'd say it's user facing enough to be mentioned.