r-b-g-b / clean-water-tool

Reporting Tool to Support Safe Drinking Water in California’s Disadvantaged Communities

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Identify lat-long files for georeferencing

ruckeralex opened this issue · comments

Rucker will identify the files

Attached is a file listing public water system IDs (PWS_ID) and associated latitude and longitude for systems that are within the "Tulare Lake Basin" geographic area. Still looking for main source file that contains ALL of the water systems.


Attached is the GIS shapefile ("EC_Summary_Apr2-19.zip"). @aaronhans, does it contain what you need for lat-long coordinates? Maybe Jess can take a look too since she knows GIS and presumably has the software.


That's awesome! Can you provide a link for where you got that zip file so we can add to the repo for the sake of reproducibility? @ruckeralex

Do we need the updated data each month? I was hoping we can just use it this once to extract the georeference info for each of the public water systems, and then apply those coordinates to future months' data sets. The georeference data should be based on centroid zip code.

I got the April file from the SWRCB staff-- the April file is not yet available on the website, but the Feb file is posted at this link: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/hr2w/docs/data/ec_summary_feb2019.zip

There's no direct link to the page, but you can find it this way:

  1. Go to https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/hr2w/#data
  2. Click on "Download GIS Map Shapefile"

Great, yeah I wasn't thinking we'd update this each month. I just meant reproducibility in the sense that a future data scientist could clone this repo, do make data and have everything downloaded to a standard place and be ready to analyze.

@ruckeralex Do you happen to know of a shapefile for the Tulare Lake Basin?

Yes, see attached for a zip file with about 6 different files for Tulare Lake Basin.
TLB_HUC06_TulareLakeBasin (1).zip

Thank you @ruckeralex ! Do you have a URL for that as well?

Cool, is there any problem making this file publicly available? Then I can just add it directly to the repository. Thanks!

Closing since I think we have this covered!