r-b-g-b / clean-water-tool

Reporting Tool to Support Safe Drinking Water in California’s Disadvantaged Communities

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Reporting tool webpage / identifying source data

ruckeralex opened this issue · comments

Hello! I love the clean look of the reporting tool webpage. However, can we include a note, perhaps at the top of the table, indicating the source and reporting period for the data? E.g.:

Compliance as of: February 2019

Data Source: Community, Schools, Daycares, Public Water Systems Who Have Current Exceedance/Compliance Issues (1/1/2012-2/2/2019), Human Right to Water Portal, State Water Resources Control Board [link to: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/hr2w/#data]

Perhaps that could be hard-coded for now, but in future we can automate by stripping date from the HR2W file name.

Thank you!

@aaronhans - can you please let Cori know? I don't know her handle. Thank you!

Feedback/request from SWRCB:

HR2W_Tool_CWC (from Wendy Killou).pdf

Attached is updated document with adjustments from Water Board staff + mock-up of Water System page. Thank you @aaronhans !!

clean water tool - overview mock up v4 2019.06.10.pptx