r-angeles / r-angeles.github.io

A personal github page

Home Page:https://r-angeles.github.io/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

r-angeles.github.io Build GH-Pages

A website making use of Static CMS, Eleventy, & Tailwind CSS that is deployed to GitHub Pages

Website Link

Getting Started

To start working locally, clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/r-angeles/r-angeles.github.io.git insert-project-name

Go to the project directory and install Node dependencies:

npm install

Start development:

npm run dev

Check http://localhost:8080 to see the site live

Generate a production-ready build:

npm run build

When ready, push to GitHub. Note that this website is set up on GitHub pages. It uses GitHub Actions to deploy to GitHub Pages.

Go to Settings -> Pages -> Build and deployment then change Source to GitHub Actions.

Using Static CMS locally

To start editing locally with Static CMS, run:

npm run local

Then visit http://localhost:8080/admin

Edit metadata

Configure the metadata through navigating to src -> _data and modifying the files eg. metadata.yaml, navigationLinks.yaml

OR, use Static CMS to edit _data on a GUI by visiting your-site-name.gihub.io/admin


GitHub account will be used to log in to CMS. See the Static CMS docs to set it up.

Alternatively, Git Gateway can be used for authentication to edit files without logging in to GitHub. Visit the Static CMS docs for more details on setting it up (Note: The site must be hosted on Netlify first)

Under the hood

What's used?

To be added

  • Giscus comments system utilizing GitHub Discussions

Known Issues

  • Static CMS 1.0.0 does not throw error if config.yml has typos, bugs, etc. Current workaround is switching the Static CMS CDN to the Netlify CMS CDN on admin/index.html to check for errors
  • Static CMS 1.0.0 have no current support for mobile editing
  • SVG does not show

License GitHub

Copyright (c) 2023 Rae Angeles (@rae_angeles)

This project is licensed under the MIT License - visit the LICENSE.md file for more details


A personal github page


License:MIT License


Language:Nunjucks 48.0%Language:JavaScript 34.9%Language:HTML 16.2%Language:CSS 0.8%