quodlibet / mutagen

Python module for handling audio metadata

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Having problems figuring out how to write to ID3 tags for MP3's

Rycia opened this issue · comments

Hey, pretty new'ish to Python, and I had looked at the documentation to try to figure this out.
I couldn't understand how to read the TCOP tag (among other ID3 tags) and write it as blank or remove it. I want to do the same thing to comments and other fields that are unnecessary, but I'm only concerned about doing the copyright (TCOP) tag for the time, because once I figure one out, it'll be easily distributable across other tags I want to change.

Here's the snippet of code I'm having problems with.

def scan_files():  # read the files
        for root, subfolders, files, in os.walk(scan_dir):
            for name in files:
                # if name.endswith((".mp3", ".m4a", ".flac", ".alac")):
                if name.endswith((".mp3")):  # only handle mp3's
                    # add track names to a list variable
                    # try:
                    global track_mp3
                    global track_id3
                    track_mp3 = MP3(root + "\\" + name)
                    track_id3 = ID3(root + "\\" + name)
                    #tags = ID3(track)

                    class format_track():  # change various tags
                        # print("")
                        # https://mutagen.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/id3.html#mutagen.id3.ID3
                        # https://mutagen.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/mp3.html
                        def format_copyright():
                            print("Formatting copyright...")
                            copyright = (track_mp3['TCOP'].text[0])
                            print(copyright)  # Copyright
                            # track_id3 = ID3(track)
                            # print(copyright_tag)

                    class save_track:  # save track files
                        # tags.save(track)
                              "[INFO] Track saved\n", style.reset)

                    if config.debug >= 3:  # print all the tracks to prove they exist
                              track_mp3.pprint(), style.reset, "\n")

Under def format_copyright, is a function that when called should set the TCOP tag for my audio files, and class save track: should write those tags.
I was able to get copyright = (track_mp3['TCOP'].text[0]) which prints the copyright tag, to work, but I was unable to figure out a way to write it. I tried for about 4 hours to figure out a method that would work to write it (I had like 100 comments of failed ways of doing this before...)

Dumbed down for me, how can I take track_id3 and/or track_mp3 and write to the TCOP tag "" (to be blank) or remove them entirely?

still having problems.

Something like

track_mp3.tags.add(id3.TCOP(encoding=id3.Encoding.LATIN1, text='12345678'))

Should work for setting the tag.

I'm closing this now. If there is still some open question feel free to reopen.