quixio / quix-streams

Quix Streams - A library for data streaming and Python Stream Processing

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Error adding empty tag

SteveRosam opened this issue · comments


Hi Hi! I'm getting an error when adding an empty tag.

The code actually does this .add_tags(row.tags) so it's copying the tags from the received TimeseriesData into the outgoing timeseries buffer

Listening to streams. Press CTRL-C to exit.
  Tags: {'room': 'foo', 'role': 'Customer', 'name': 'steve', 'phone': '', 'email': ''}
    chat-message: ii
{'label': 'POSITIVE', 'score': 0.9442011713981628}
Exception: System.ArgumentNullException: Tag (phone) value can't be null or empty (Parameter 'tagValue')
   at QuixStreams.Streaming.Models.TimeseriesDataTimestamp.AddTag(String, String) + 0x141
   at QuixStreams.Streaming.Models.StreamProducer.Interop.TimeseriesDataBuilderInterop.AddTag(IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr) + 0x11b

Discussed here: https://stream-processing.slack.com/archives/C04SDM5UG9F/p1678883613307439

Test comment.