quixio / quix-streams

Quix Streams - A library for data streaming and Python Stream Processing

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from_dataframe() cannot handle complex numbers

JotaBlanco opened this issue · comments

Tell us about the bug
from_dataframe() breaks when dealing with columns with complex numbers:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)

in from_dataframe(data_frame, epoch)
111 isnumeric = (label_type == int or label_type == float or label_type == complex)
112 if isnumeric:
--> 113 if math.isnan(content):
114 continue # ignore it, as panda uses NaN instead of None, unable to detect difference
115 if panda_col_label.startswith('TAG__'): # in case user of lib didn't put it in quote don't throw err

TypeError: can't convert complex to float`


Please provide a code sample that can be used to reproduce the issue,

Also, are those line numbers provided by your IDE for the lib's codebase or some version of it that you use? I can't match it with any source code we have.

No longer relevant, new python code is not working the same way