quixio / quix-streams

Quix Streams - A library for data streaming and Python Stream Processing

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from_dataframe() brakes with nulls in time column

JotaBlanco opened this issue · comments

Tell us about the bug
from_dataframe() conversion seems to break if there are nulls in the time column of the dataframe.

What did you expect to see?
Here, as with any null dealing situation, there is a decision to make:

  • Drop the rows with nulls in the time column:
    dataframe = dataframe.dropna(subset=time_label)

  • Extrapolate the nulls in the time columns using surrounding values:
    dataframe[time_label] = dataframe[time_label].interpolate(method='linear')


Thinking best would be to throw an exception rather than silently ommitting // setting an artificial value

No longer relevant, new python code is not working the same way