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Better documentation of MessageContext

merlin-quix opened this issue · comments

Recently, in the Quix community Slack, I was made aware of getting the Kafka timestamp using message_context().timestamp

I tried to find some more documentation on this property, but I only found some a minimal reference information: https://quix.io/docs/quix-streams/api-reference/quixstreams.html#quixstreamsmodelsmessagecontext

It would be good to have some more thorough user-friendly documentation with usage examples.

Hey @merlin-quix !
We're working on the new docs in this PR

The message context is now covered in this section

Could you please tell if it makes it more clear?


Hey @merlin-quix,
The new docs are released in #315

I'm going to close this issue.

If you think that the MessageContext needs more docs, please reopen it.