quixio / quix-streams

Quix Streams - A library for data streaming and Python Stream Processing

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Consistent validation of parameter_id is missing at some places

peter-quix opened this issue · comments


Tell us about the bug
It is sometimes possible to add parameter_id including either / or . It should not be possible, as we're currently disallowing this. The display name can have it.
It is currently an issue at least when using buffer.add_value(parameter_id, value). The validation is missing here.

What did you expect to see?
Exception in all scenarios.

What version of the library are you using?
Examples: 0.5.4

Anything else we should know?
Alternative solution is look more into why / and \ are not allowed. I believe / is a limitation introduced by metadata, while \ is escaping possibly creating havoc. If we can avoid limiting these characters. it would be better.