quinnj / JSON3.jl

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ArgumentError: invalid JSON at byte position 11 while parsing type Int64: InvalidChar?

MrDataPsycho opened this issue · comments

Suppose I have two Structs one for Tweet and another for Author of the tweet as follows:

struct User
    id::Union{Int64, Nothing}
    id_str::Union{String, Nothing}
    created_at::Union{String, Nothing}
    name::Union{String, Nothing}
    screen_name::Union{String, Nothing}
    location::Union{String, Nothing}
    statuses_count::Union{Int64, Nothing}
    followers_count::Union{Int64, Nothing}
    description::Union{String, Nothing}
    profile_image_url::Union{String, Nothing}

struct Tweet
    id::Union{Int64, Nothing}
    id_str::Union{String, Nothing}
    created_at::Union{String, Nothing}
    favorite_count::Union{Int, Nothing}
    retweet_count::Union{Int, Nothing}
    full_text::Union{String, Nothing}
    lang::Union{String, Nothing}
    place::Union{String, Nothing}
    truncated::Union{Bool, Nothing}

Now I have a Json String as :

json_str = "{\"id_str\":\"1305501948074835974\",\"created_at\":\"Mon Sep 14 13:41:34 +0000 2020\",\"place\":null,\"id\":1305501948074835974,\"user\":{\"name\":\"Donald J. Trump\",\"id_str\":\"25073877\",\"created_at\":\"Wed Mar 18 13:46:38 +0000 2009\",\"id\":25073877}}"

I am trying to define a New Struct function and read the string in to value of type:

JSON3.StructType(::Type{Tweet}) = JSON3.Struct()
JSON3.read(json_str, Tweet)

I am getting the following error:

ArgumentError: invalid JSON at byte position 11 while parsing type Int64: InvalidChar

Does the string need to match the exact order of the Struct? or Not sure where is the Issue. Though the JSON3.read(json_str) works fine.

If someone can tell me:

  • How to read such data in to some value of Given struct type (Tweet)
  • Is it possible to convert the value to Dictionary using Json3

Yes, in the docs for Struct, it mentions that fields need to be explicitly ordered; currently, to parse unordered fields, you need to make your type mutable struct with a Mutable() struct type. This may change in the future since I (and others) have been discussing solutions in #47